8th Grade Language Arts
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Let the Reading Begin!

Once again you’ll read three books a quarter, which means 12 books this year. Books must contain 115 pages or more, but remember to pick books that you can realistically complete in the allotted time.  Also, you may not choose a book that you have previously read.

In addition, you will also be required to complete a book report synopsis for each one of the books you read during the quarter. Also, you are required to complete one of the projects listed below and then present the project to the class. Change: You will complete two projects this year. Each class will be divided in half. One half will present their projects at the end of first/third quarter and the other will present at the end of second/fourth quarter.  
Students will be graded on the following:

Book Report Project and Presentation
Book Report Synopsis Handout 

I ask that you and your child discuss the projects below and make a choice together on the type of project that will be created for each semester. You must choose a different project for each semester. Below you will find a list of projects from which to choose.

Project Due Dates:

1st Quarter: Tuesday October 25th
2nd Quarter: Tuesday January 17th
3rd Quarter: Tuesday March 20th
4th Quarter: Tuesday June 5th

Project Choices:

______1. Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of
soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or
any other object. At least a half page explanation of how
this character fits into the book should accompany the

______2. Write a diary that one of the story's main characters
might have kept before, during, AND after the book's
events. Remember that the character’s thoughts and
feelings are very important in a diary. The diary must
include a minimum of six paragraphs.

______3. Construct a diorama (three-dimensional scene which
includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals)
of one of the main events of the book. Include a written
description of the scene at least a half page in length.

______4. Create a mini-comic book relating a chapter of the book.
Your comic book must include at least 15 frames using
pictures and words.

______5. Design a book jacket for the book. It must include an
illustrated front cover, summary of book on inside front
flap, about the author on inside back flap, and reviews of
the book on the back cover.

______6. Create a newspaper for your book. It must include a
summary of the plot in one article, the weather in another
article, a feature story on one of the interesting
characters, AND a collection of ads that would be relevant
to the story.

______7. Do a collage/poster showing pictures or 3-d items that
related to the book, and then write a sentence or two
beside each one to show its significance. Poster must
include the title, author, description of characters,
setting, summary of the story, and words that relate to
the theme of the story.

______8. Make a mobile about the story. It should include at least
five elements including title & author, description of
characters, setting, summary of the story, and conflict &

______9. Create a PowerPoint/Movie Maker project with at least ten
slides. The PowerPoint should describe your main
characters, setting, and plot summary.

______10. Create a scrapbook of important events from the
character’s life. A scrapbook can include photos,
letters, post cards, a family tree, memorable items,
newspaper clippings, etc. Write captions for each of the
objects you include. Be sure to include a nice cover that
includes the title and author of your book.

_____11. Rewrite the ending of the story. Do not explain how the
ending should be changed, use the author’s voice and
tone instead. On a separate page describe the original
ending and describe how you changed the ending. The
ending to the story should be at least one page in